Monday 7 July 2014

Juicing For Fat Loss

 Jucing For Fat Loss

RESET Your Metabolism, Cleanse Toxins and LOSE WEIGHT Using the FASTEST most HEALTHY way to lose weight…100% GUARANTEED

Learn how over 8,000 people have lost 25 lbs in just 10 days (and kept it off)

(Without Chugging Spicy Lemon-Water or Swallowing Pills!)


Being "Over-Weight" isn't Your Fault Like You've Been Led to Believe...

Now, what we're about to share with you is definitely “not mainstream”.  
In fact it may be the first you’ve ever heard it.

So here goes

Weight Gain Is Your Body’s Defense Mechanism

Sounds crazy, doesn’t it?
What do I mean when we say, “weight gain happens because your body needs to defend itself”?

Well, there are two things you need to understand about the modern world.

One, almost everything is toxic.

Juicing Fro Fat Loss
What we eat, drink, breathe and even comes in contact with our skin has toxic chemicals of one sort or another.
Since 1940, over 75,000 artificial chemicals have been created and they show up in everything in our “everyday lives”...
  • There are unsafe pesticides on our fruits and vegetables...
  • There are manmade chemicals in our salt, diet sodas and noodles...
  • There are dangerous toxins in our cars, mattresses and furniture...
You may or may not already know this. (We could literally spend pages and pages talking about the research, clinical trials and studies on this topic alone.)
But we won’t, because we need to talk to you about point number two...

Two, most modern diets are acidic.

Fact is, most people today are on the “SAD CRAP” diet.
SAD C.R.A.P. stands for: Standard American Diet: Caffeine, Refined Sugar, Alcohol and Processed Foods.

And guess what? These foods are extremely acidic.

As you may know, your body is in a constant acid/alkaline balance.

When it gets too acidic, your body shuts down. You get tired. You get sick. You can’t function anymore.

In fact -- most Americans have an 80% acidic, 20% alkalizing diet.

But what do all these toxins and acidic foods have to do with gaining weight?

Your Body Is Being Attacked On Two Fronts: Toxins And Acidic Foods! And It’s Forcing Your Body To Gain Weight!

Which means...

Your Body Protects Itself by MAKING YOU FATTER!

Here’s the thing about the human body.
It’s actually really smart.

When things get bad, it does whatever it needs to to defend itself.

So guess what happens when your body is flooded with toxins and acids from everyday life and the SAD CRAP diet...

It stores toxins and acids in your body fat.

Which brings us to CORE TRUTH #2...


You'll NEVER Healthfully & Permanently Rid Your Body of FAT -- Until Toxicity is Properly Arrested!

Let us say it again...
When there are too many toxins and acids in your body, your body protects you by storing them in fat.

In short – the excess fat on your body are garbage bags of toxins and acids.

Instead of having these toxins and acids freely roaming around in your bloodstream, your body “dumps them” in your fat.

But the problem is, you can’t seem to “throw them out”.

Not easily at any rate.

So you’re stuck walking around with “bags of toxins, chemicals and acids”.

No wonder you’re tired, lacking in energy and feeling so cranky all the time!

How do you flush your body of these toxins, chemicals and acid then?

This is precisely....

Why Most Diets Are Guaranteed NOT to Work!

Here’s the grim truth the diet industry hopes you never find out:

Most diets simply don’t (and can’t) work!
It’s not because they’re lying to you.

It works for some people, obviously.  But it doesn’t work for most.

Why do you think that is?  Is it a “scam”?

Or is it because people “give up too easily”?

Well, that’s what the diet industry wants you to believe.

As long as you’re weak-willed and you “blame yourself” for yet another failed diet... They can sell you yet another solution in a few months time!

So really, why don’t diets work?  Why do you give up on diets when they’re just beginning to start working?  Isn’t that strange?

Well – it’s because of the toxins, acids and chemicals trapped in our fat.  The moment you start losing weight, those toxins are released.

That means they start wreaking havoc on your body, making you sick!

So the moment your diet or new exercise routine starts working.

You feel extra tired, sick and demotivated.

And then your body is telling you to “quit” and “give up”.

It's a catch-22!

But here's what's even WORSE...
Because you’re leaking out these chemicals a bit at a time (by losing weight gradually)...

You are Actually Aging Your Body FASTER!

So not only do you start getting sick when you lose weight...
But you also SPEED UP your biological age!

Which are just a few of many reasons why "typical dieting" condemns your chances for a healthy body from the BEGINNING!

And that brings up CORE TRUTH #3...


The ONLY Promising Way to Lose Weight Is to
Totally "Reset" Your Body!

If you're going to lose weight the healthy way, and KEEP IT OFF, you have to "reset your body".
And there's a (beneficial) trick to doing this.

And here it is...

In Order to Get Rid of the Toxins in Your Body –
You Have to Lose Weight QUICKLY!

We are talking about a “TOTAL RESET” of your body.
Something that clears out all the toxins...

But at the same time, keeps your body healthy so you don’t feel so sick you want to stop.

On top of that – it has to be SAFE.

You must be able to lose weight rapidly and keep your body flooded with the right nutrients!

And come out on the other side better, with more energy and stronger than before.

So here's – 

How to Exactly "Reset Your Body"

We've spent over a decade designing a program that provides everything you need to do this.
So what is it?
Well, it's the (same) program we applied in the "Austin Weight-Loss Program".

In short – it’s a “juice cleanse”.

You've surely heard of them...

It’s three to ten days where you cleanse your body of toxins, chemicals and acids.
Juicing For Fat Loss

You do this by drinking nothing but delicious, natural, organic vegetable and organic fruit juices.

The results speak for themselves... and frankly, we've spent over a dozen years professionally in the "natural health" space -- and there is nothing we've seen that even comes close to the effectiveness of a properly scientifically formulated JUICE CLEANSE – to "reset your body".
Now, if you're wondering if YOU NEED A RESET, the simple answer for most people is...

YES.  If you are carrying around "any" extra weight or "unwanted fat", then you absolutely need to reset your body.

And the best way, and ONLY way we can guarantee you will lose weight, keep it off FOR GOOD, is if you follow our lead.

Because if you'd really like to entertain the idea of a juicing-adventure – we can guarantee you will *love* it!

But to make things easy...

You Absolutely Need a Body "Reset" IF:

If you answer “YES” to even one of these questions, you need a reset.

  • Do you have stubborn fat you can’t get rid of no matter what you try?
  • Do you find yourself gaining weight in spite of a good diet and exercise?
  • Do you get tired more easily and more often these days?
  • Do you get sick more easily and more often these days?
  • Are you struggling to get up in the morning and face the day?
  • Do you feel so beat up at the end of the day, you just want to watch TV?
  • Do you get stressed out more easily and more often these days?
  • Are you anxious about your weight? Does it keep you up at night?
  • Do you have unreasonable cravings for foods you know are bad for you?
  • Are you experiencing more digestion problems than usual?
Again, if you answered “yes” to even one of these questions, you need to RESET YOUR BODY!


Thursday 3 July 2014

14 Day Rapid Fat Loss

14 day rapid fat loss

3 Simple Steps to Eat LOTS of Carbs
and NEVER Store Them as Fat...

These 3 steps reveal what you absolutely MUST STOP doing... and it will only take you 14 short days to wake up your dying fat loss hormones, "spark" your dead metabolism, and quickly burn off belly fat –
WITHOUT Avoiding Carbs.

Step 1: STOP Using Low-Carb Diets 

PastaLow carb diets, low carb foods, low carb diet shakes, low carb everything. It’s been around for years now. Unfortunately, it’s not working. In fact, well over 90% of people who start a low carb or trendy diet gain all or more of their weight back within a year of losing it. Even worse, epidemics like obesity and diabetes are at all time highs.
This is why you shouldn’t be afraid of carbs – your body NEEDS them. Carbs stop muscle loss, speed up recovery, provide energy to your brain and body, elevate your metabolic rate, and stimulate your body’s most important fat-burning hormones. Yes, believe it or not, things like insulin aren’t always evil! Your body needs carbs to keep your metabolism healthy, happy, and burning fat.
People who go on chronic low carb diets radically alter their hormones and damage their metabolisms, so their bodies simply won’t burn fat. In fact, it only takes as little as one week of cutting carbs to start losing muscle, slowing down your metabolism and destroying your fat-burning hormones.
Besides, do you really want to constantly obsess over calories, count carbs all the time and deprive yourself of your favorite foods? Of course you don’t…you’ll be miserable.
But there is a “smart” approach you can take to ensure you get all these benefits of carbs WITHOUT fat-storage. It can even help you heal any previous damage you may have done from crash dieting. You’ll see exactly how this method works on the next page.


Step 2: STOP Carb-Based Fat "Spill-Over"

STOP Carb-Based Fat Spill-OverThere are three simple stages of carbohydrate storage. If you understand how they work, you can eat your favorite carbs and NEVER have to worry about storing them as fat on the body.
But if you don’t, you’ll consistently suffer from carb-based fat “spillover” and continue to accumulate more belly fat and even develop ugly pockets cellulite.
Stage 1: Immediate Energy Needs: As soon as a carb hits your mouth, digestion begins and they are quickly made available for energy needs or stored for later use.
Stage 2: Storage in your Muscles & Liver: Your body then stores carbohydrates as glycogen in the muscle and the liver as a source of energy for movement and daily function. Storage continues until the muscle and/or liver is full.
Stage 3: Spillover / Fat Storage: After just a few short days, when energy intake is abundant and little or no energy is expended, muscle and liver stores over fill and the body starts storing the unused carbohydrates as fat.
In other words, if you’re not consistently utilizing more carbohydrates than you’re taking in, your muscles and liver will “fill up” with glycogen. When this happens, every time you consume carbs (unless you’re burning them off with strategic exercise) they start to “spillover” and automatically be stored as fat.
However, there is a super simple protocol you can use to STOP carb-based fat-spillover and STILL eat all the carbs you want. We’ll share more on the next page.

Step 3: STOP Eating Carbs at the WRONG Times

Stop Spinning Your Wheels!Carb timing confusion is one of the primary reasons that 95% of the population gains their weight back after losing it. 
But when you consume lots of your favorite carbs at the right times (and even cheat foods at specific times), you’ll NEVER have to worry about them getting stored on the body as fat.
Here are 3 simple ways you time your carb intake to LIMIT stage 3 fat-spillover and KEEP your body burning fat.
GOOD: A good time of day to eat your favorite carbohydrates is first thing in the a.m. when your metabolic rate is higher and insulin sensitivity is peaking “naturally”. This means there’s more room in your energy tank to let the carbs in without any fat storage.

BETTER: An even better time to consume impact carbs is 3 to 4 hours before you exercise.
This will ensure the carbs you consume are burned off during and after the workout to avoid fat-spillover and prevent muscle loss. It will also provide you with increased energy levels throughout your workout. Better performance equals more fat and calories burned during and after the workout.
BEST: The best time to consume your favorite carbs is post-workout. When you use the RIGHT TYPE of exercise, your muscles act like a sponge that’s been rung dry, so your body will literally “soak up” all your favorite carbs.
Timing your carb intake the right way is one the easiest ways to eat all your favorite foods while skyrocketing your fat-burning hormones and rebooting your dead metabolism.
This is how you can ALL the fat-burning benefits of carbs listed above and STOP fat-storage from your carb intake.
Simply put, if you eat carbs with the wrong foods - at the wrong times, you’ll STORE fat. If you eat carbs with the right foods at the right times, you’ll BURN fat.

If you would like to find out more view 14 Day Rapid Fat Loss - click here


Wednesday 2 July 2014

Customized Fat Loss

Customized Fat Loss 
Have a Question?

Maybe it’s already been answered below:

What is Customized Fat Loss?
There is nothing like the CFL anywhere. Period
CFL is a professional, truly customized approach to nutrition. CFL is breakthrough nutritional software that when combined with exercise, torches fat in record time while preserving your lean muscle. It is designed to explode you through your fat loss plateau and have you turning heads 365 days a year!

How does it work?
CFL is exact and tailors fat torching nutrition for you in every way possible using 4 patented formulas. These 4 formulas took years of testing and tweaking with world renowned nutritionists, fitness models and big time bodybuilders to perfect. CFL customizes the nutrition to everything about you; your age, weight, height, and metabolism. Most importantly though CFL customizes the nutrition to your true body type and your goal of melting fat fast. CFL specifically allocates your calories and macronutrients throughout the day DEPENDING on when or if you’re working out so that you achieve maximal fat loss quickly. You will give your body exactly what it needs, when it needs it to shed body fat without any muscle loss. On your off day’s from the gym, your recovery nutrition is custom structured to repair and rebuild broken down muscle tissue quickly.  Using unique calorie and macronutrient shifting techniques your body’s recovery is extremely rapid and muscle soreness is often 100 % eliminated. CFL provides easy to understand charts and graphs that track your transformation progress and will make sure you are on the fastest pace possible to your new, leaner, head-turning physique.

What if I don’t know my true body type?
Don’t worry, hardly ANYBODY does. This is a HUGE reason why the generic nutrition programs they’re following always fail! I walk you through step by step how to determine your true body type in the program.

Who is CFL for? Who is it not for?
CFL was made for people that are serious about their transformation goals. Men and Women, young and old, as long as you’re serious about accepting the truth and using it to make your dream body your reality, CFL was made for you.

What if I don’t like the foods I’m supposed to eat?
Good question. You would be out of luck with a lot of programs out there, BUT not with CFL! You see, the nutritional content of your meal is the most important thing. CFL loads 3 customized meal plans for you to choose from each day that meets your nutritional requirements, BUT it also lets you build your own meal plan or make substitutions if you want. CFL has a data base of almost 1400 different foods that you can select from to help you meet the nutritional requirement of a particular meal. There are numerous foods you can choose from for any meal to give your body the nutrition it needs to shed fat fast.

If you would like to find out more view Customized Fat Loss - click here

Monday 30 June 2014

Weight Loss 4 Idiots

Weight Loss Facts:

Low Fat Foods DON'T WORK.  

You cannot lose weight using Low Fat Diets.  Low fat foods have been popular for more than 15 years, but yet our society is getting more overweight as each year passes.  This fact alone should tell you that eating a purely low fat menu is not the answer to losing weight.

Low Calorie Diets DON'T WORK.

You won't lose weight using a Low Calorie Dieting Plan either.   In fact, eating low calories is the worst thing that you can do to your body, since that will only slow down your body's fat burning engine and ruin all chances of losing weight (low calorie diets may allow a few pounds of weight loss for the first few days, but then after that all weight loss comes to a halt --- known as a dieting plateau).   You can never get slim by starving yourself.

Low Carb Plans DON'T WORK.

You'll probably find it extremely difficult to get slim using a Low Carb Dieting Plan.  Low carb diets have recently become popular over the last couple years, but the problem with low carb menus is that they are too strict and TOO HARD TO FOLLOW for average people.   Low carb menus tend to rob your body of too much energy (carbohydrates) and make it nearly impossible to remain on the program for very long.  This is why so many dieters find it difficult to follow a strict low carbohydrate menu.

What about Weight Watchers and Jenny Craig Dieting Plans?

Weight loss programs such as Weight Watchers (and Jenny Craig) usually involve slower dieting progress over a longer period of time, since such programs generally promise only 2-3 pounds of weight loss per week.  Also, programs such as Jenny Craig usually involve buying special meals and/or dietary supplements during the initial phases of the program. 

If you would like to find out more view Weight Loss 4 Idiots - click here

The Gabriel Method

The Gabriel Method

“Biochemical Researcher Lost 220lbs &
Now Dedicates His Life to Helping Others
Transform their Bodies & their Lives…”

 The Gabriel Method

If you want to lose weight and keep it off, I may be able to help you. But you have to understand:

The Truth About Fat Burning Foods

The Truth About Fat Burning Foods

These 3 reasons reveal what you MUST STOP doing the next time you shop for "healthy" food because it's DAMAGING your metabolism… and EXACTLY how you can "transform" your diet to quickly burn off belly fat – in 24 hours or LESS.


Step #1: STOP Trusting Food Labels (They're NOT trustworthy)


Step #2: STOP Avoiding Saturated Fats (You've been lied to)


Step #3: STOP Using Fake "Health" Foods (They're in your kitchen right now)


If you would like to find out more view The Truth About Fat Burning Foods - click here



Xtreme Fat Loss Diet

 Xtreme Fat Loss Diet











Discover How You Can Completely Transform Your Body To Look Your Best Ever In Only 25 Days With
The Most Strategic, Fastest Fat Loss Program EVER Developed—All While Eating WHATEVER You Want Every Fifth Day

To celebrate the release of the New Xtreme Fat Loss Diet, when you grab your copy today, you'll also gain access to a Rapid Fat Loss Bonus Package to accelerate your fat loss results even further.

Bonus #1: The Fastest Week of Fat Loss EVER promises to deliver the greatest amount of fat loss the human body is capable of producing in a 7 day period (of course while still being safe and without the pointless rebound weight gain). We're talking about potentially losing up to 10+ pounds of fat in only 7 days with the most strategic one week diet sequence ever developed.

Bonus #2: The Spot Reduction Solution is your 7 Day Protocol to legitimately induce spot reduction and tone up your WORST trouble spots, and it's all founded on REAL science (9 peer reviewed studies to be exact). Just combine these scientifically proven protocols with your XFLD nutrition plan to watch your problem areas shrink in as little as 7 days.

Bonus #3: The 7 Day Xtreme Fat Flush is an all natural food solution, which will help you purify your body of chemical build-up, reduce inflammation, and cleanse the liver (your fat burning filter) of fat storing toxins, so your body will begin to flush out and let go of your "trapped" fat cells -- and it's specifically customized for your Xtreme Fat Loss Diet to guarantee nothing is in your way.
And for everyone who picks up the newly updated Xtreme Fat Loss Diet system today, we're going to GIVE you all 3 of these bonus guides for FREE.

If you would like to find out more view Extreme Fat Loss Diet - click here